TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Wow nice job!
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Subject Re: Wow nice job!
Posted by Jeffblue on March 14, 2011 at 12:29 PM
  This message has been viewed 342 times.
In Reply To Wow nice job! posted by Jim (Selin Design) on March 14, 2011 at 12:14 PM
Message :How long did it take start to finish? Can you give a little detail on how you went about this?

Thanks. I started off washing the car at about 10 am. I removed the sealant at 7pm. Took probably a total of 1.5-2 hours worth of breaks. throughout the process.

First i washed it. Then i clayed half the hood, went over it with the total swirl remover and and orange lake country pad on the 5th speed with the PC.(1 is lowest 6 is highest) I wasn't satisfied so i went over it with a few more passes on the highest setting. I changed to the white lake country pad with the finishing glaze on the speed 4. I was satisfied with the results in my test area so i proceeded to clay bar the entire car, pannel by pannel working in relatively small areas, but not SUPER small areas. I split most panels into 2 sections, except the hood i did in 4 sections. Once i had removed all the crap from the paint, i went section by section with the total swirl remover on the whole car, 6 passes over each section. wiped everything off, repeated with the finishing glaze, wiped that off and then applied the deep gloss paint sealant. I let that sit for about an hour and polished the tailpipes and tried to clean some of the crud off of the wheels. by the time i was done it was time to remove the sealant with a microfiber.

it was really exhausting, but it was enjoyable, and i'm glad i got it done.

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